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Clean Air 2015 is over and the organization thanks everyone who made this conference possible: organizing and institutional partners, committee members, session chairs, speakers and authors, reviewers, and sponsors!
We had about 100 delegates from 16 countries and the scientific program included 5 Keynote Lectures, 50 oral presentations and three topical colloquia.
A number of papers presented at the conference will be selected for recommendation for submission in a special issue of the jounal FUEL. Upon submission, the reviewing process will follow the normal procedure.
Conference delegates have exclusive access to the download site where  the list of participants and event photos are available.
See you in two years for Clean Air 2017 in Azores!
Professor João Luís Toste de Azevedo passed away on the 22nd of April 2014.
As a tribute to his memory and acknowledging his contributions to the scientific and academic communities, we decided to organize the 12th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment.
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Young Researchers Get Together
Coffe Break
Tour to Companhia das Lezirias
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